Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Advent and St. Nicholas

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) wrote a book entitled Seek That Which is Above (Ignatius Press, Copyright 2007).  In the Advent season, we keep the story of Saint Nicholas.  But what is his story?  Cardinal Ratzinger writes, "Nicholas is one of the first people to be venerated as a saint without having been a martyr.  During the persecution of Christians, those who opposed the pagan state power and gave their lives for their faith had quite automatically become great examples of faith.  When peace was concluded between Church and state, people needed new models.  Nicholas impressed them as one ready to help others.  His miracle was not that of great heroism in the face of torture, imprisonment and death. It was the miracle of constant kindness  in everyday life" (page 31).

The Cardinal continues, "Another of the legends expresses it beautifully in this way:  Whereas all the other miracles could be performed by magicians and demons, and thus were ambivalent, one miracle was absolutely transparent and could not involve any deception, namely, that of living out the faith in everyday life for an entire lifetime and maintaining charity.  People in the fourth century experienced this miracle in the life of Nicholas, and all the miracle stories that accrued subsequently to the legend are only variations on this one, fundamental miracle, which Nicholas' contemporaries compared, with wonder and gratitude, to the morning star reflecting the radiance of the light of Christ.  In this man they understood what faith in God's Incarnation means" (page 32).

Thus, the Cardinal concludes, "This, at the deepest level, is the message of Saint Nicholas:  from the light of Christ we are to light the flame of a new humanity, caring for the persecuted, the poor, the little one-this is the core of the legend of St. Nicholas" (page33).

Advent readies us to the mystery of the Incarnation; namely, God has come to His people.  St. Nicholas reminds us that God's people is all people.  We pray through the intercession of St. Nicholas that this Advent we may see and be the face of Christ to all people.

Happy Advent!